Agriculture Students Excel in Holiday Service Project


Twenty-two students from Dr. Wandra Arrington’s AE 111 Fundamentals and Concepts of Agriculture classes donated items to the Mississippi Cultural Crossroads Center in Port Gibson, Mississippi. The items donated were presented on November 18th to Felicia Harried, President Elect for the Mississippi Cultural Crossroads Center in Port Gibson, Mississippi. The donated items mainly consisted of children’s toys and canned foods.

The purpose of the Holiday class service project was for the Agriculture students to show support to local communities through their generosity and willingness to give during the holiday season.

Dr. Arrington, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness and Coordinator of the project, stated, “We must continue to show our students that no man can stand alone and that service is an important attribute to acquire. In order for Alcorn to continue to expand and prosper with opportunities and available resources, we must continue to support the communities around us. This project shows that Alcorn students are committed to supporting their local communities.”

To find out more information about the Department of Agriculture programs you may contact Dr. Arrington at (601) 877-3975 or