Alcorn Welcomes Cru


Alcorn State University (ASU) has found a new way to include Christ and fellowship for students with a program called Cru which stands for Campus Crusade for Christ. As of January 14, 2020 Alcorn embraced Cru with open arms as students from across the campus came together for the first meeting of ministry at the Campus Union Ballroom.

Founded in 1951, Cru was created to reach students all over the world who were having trouble combining college lifestyle with their Christian lifestyle and beliefs. This ministry is a national non profit ministry that helps students build a better foundation with God while in school.

With over 5,300 ministries, Cru has reached several campuses to help thousands of students find Jesus Christ or grow in Jesus Christ while spreading faith and pushing others to learn God’s love. In order to be in the program at Alcorn, students have to want to build a relationship with God and Jesus in order to be successful throughout the program. Junior Jacoby Gilmore stated, “I joined to be apart of a community of believers on campus. I want to have a support system for people to pray for and at the same time who are able to pray for you.”

At the first opening of the program students gathered together to learn about the meetings and future activities that they were going to have while in the program. Students also came together towards the end of the gathering and prayed together for what they were thankful for and what they were looking to see God do in the future for them. The members of Cru have also stated that Cru will help bring students closer together by including prayer and services that will help push the students to strive for better relationships with God and help build each other up with love and Christ.

Cru is expected to have Bible Study to include a service for students during the week as well as help keep student’s minds focused not only on school but on God’s path for them too. The organization also uses excellent ways of keeping up with students by sending out text messages of the next meetings of fellowship as well as sending out emails to keep the participating students on their toes and excited about what is to come next.