Alcorn’s Mass Communications Department Makes History


On Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at 5:00 pm in the Gold Room of the Dr. Clinton Bristow Jr. Dining Facility, the Mass Communications Department at Alcorn State University made history by inducting its first class into Lambda Pi Eta which is the official Honor Society of the National Communications Association. Alpha Chi Alpha will be the name of the Department’s Chapter.

Lambda Pi Eta was established in 1985 and has over 600 chapters at four year colleges and universities worldwide. The National Communications Honor Society directs and administers Lambda Pi Eta which is fully accredited by the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS). The Alcorn State University Chapter received its charter, Alpha Chi Alpha, on October 3, 2016. The goals of Lambda Pi Eta are to recognize, foster and reward outstanding scholastic achievement, stimulate interest in the field of Communications and promote and encourage professional development among Communications majors.

In order to qualify for membership in Lambda Pi Eta, a student must have completed at least 60 semester hours of college credit, 12 hours must be in Communications, have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least a 3.0, a GPA of 3.25 in Communications, be in good standing with the University and display commitment to the field of Communications. Once a student is inducted into Lambda Pi Eta, he or she is a member for life.

The newest history making inductees from Alcorn’s Mass Communications Department are KeAmber Council, Angelica Brown, Renita Lacy, Monique Mansfield and La’Keilla Veal. Dr. Eric Dogini, Associate Professor and Advisor for Alcorn’s Chapter stated, “This is indeed a momentous occasion for not only these young ladies but for the Mass Communications Department and Alcorn State University as well. I am exceptionally proud of these students for their academic excellence.”

For more information concerning the Alpha Chi Alpha Chapter of Lambda Pi Eta contact Dr. Eric Dogini at (601) 877-6613 or