Alcorn’s School of AREAS hosts Workforce Development Workshop


On Thursday, January 28, 2016 Alcorn State University’s School of Agriculture Research, Extension and Applied Sciences (AREAS) held a Workforce Development Workshop from 10:00 am – 11:00 am in the Extension and Research Complex.

The Workforce Development Workshop is a lecture held for students to understand  interviewing techniques and resume writing tips. Students come to receive valuable information about ways of handling an interview for the workforce and the Do’s and Don’ts for writing their resumes. This lecture also helps students to understand the value and importance of a resume and the right way to conduct themselves in the workplace.  Melinda Heath, Senior Analyst of Human Resources Policy Branch (HRPB) and Mark Doucette, Senior Business Partner in Human Resources (SBPHR) at Nissan North America, Inc. were present at the lecture.

Doucette opened the program with introducing himself and welcoming everyone for coming out to the workshop. He began the lecture by explaining the importance of a resume and what a resume should look like. He explained, “The best look for a resume is being organized. You don’t want the reader to get confused.”  As Doucette closed out the resume portion of the lecture, Melinda Heath took the reigns and began explaining the proper ways one should conduct themselves in an interview.

Heath began her part of the lecture by asking the students, “How many of you have already gone through the interview process?” She explained that the interview plays a major role in the workforce. Heath continued by stating, “While going through the interview, you should remember the Three R’s.  Research the department you are applying for, Research the position and Research yourself.” Further in the lecture she played a video to show the students the pros and cons of how to succeed through an interview. “One of the biggest mistakes an interviewee can do is to bring their cellular device into the interview room with them and remember that the dress code is also a huge factor that you must take into consideration so make sure that you are presentable and professional,” stated Heath. 

As the event came to a close there was a question and answer portion of the lecture for Doucette and Heath. They both answered questions from the students and continued to say that, “If you guys take the information that you were given today, there is no way that that job isn’t yours.”  Heath said, “As a graduate from Jackson State University, I really enjoyed speaking to you Alcornites and hope that you will have me again.” Doucette continued her sentiment by stating, “I’ve enjoyed myself as well, and I hope you all have learned something from this workshop.”   

Jaylon Heidelberg, a junior Elementary Education major said, “I learned so much today and can’t wait to apply the tips for my future career.”