Alphas Host Miss Black and Gold Scholarship Pageant

The Brothers of the Delta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. held their annual Miss Black and Gold Scholarship Pageant on Wednesday, November 29th in the James L. Bolden Campus Union Ballroom. The two contestants vying for the crown were Stephanie Ogbonmwan and Taylor Akharome. Fraternity member Joshua Evans and Miss Black and Gold 2016-2017, Erica Wheeler hosted the pageant.
There were segments throughout the show where the contestants competed in interview, swimsuit, talent, evening wear and oral expression. During the intermissions there were performances from The Divinity Dance Team, as well as singing and poetry from various members of the Fraternity. Joy Applewhite, a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and spectator of the event stated, “The pageant was a great experience. The music and environment created a great vibe. I hope the Alphas continue to have an influence on campus and have a good turnout next year as well.”
Contestant Taylor Akharome won the crowd over with her Michael Jackson impersonation during the talent portion and her overall vivacious personality. Ahkharome warmed the audience’s hearts when she shouted out her parent’s contribution to making her the great woman that she is today in her oral expression answer. She earned the runner up title of Miss Delta Kappa. 
Stephanie Ogbonmwan won the title of Miss Black and Gold 2017-2018. She displayed grace and  confidence during the entire pageant. The newly crowned Miss Black and Gold stated, “My platform is titled ‘It’s Okay to Not Be Okay.’ It focuses on bringing awareness to mental illness within the black community and not being afraid to seek treatment if you do need help.” 
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