An Historic Night to Remember


On Thursday, October 7th, at 7:00 pm in the Davey L. Whitney Complex, Olecia James, a Mass Communications major, from Cleveland, Mississippi and Dennis Stevenson II, an Agricultural Business Management major, from Gulfport, Mississippi, were crowned the 95th Miss Alcorn State University (ASU) and the 1st Mister Alcorn State University respectively. The theme of the event was entitled “A Night in Egypt.”

The Coronation began with the Posting of Colors from the ASU Army R.O.T.C. Color Guards. The National Anthem was then played next. Following that, the Director of Student Engagement, Devina Hogan, gave the Welcome and Occasion. Next, the Invocation was given by ASU student, Xavian Lewis. Madison Gray, 1st Vice President of the Student Government Association (SGA), took to the podium to introduce the Mistress of Ceremony, Aubriana Lowery.

Lowery, a Senior Mass Communications major, first acknowledged any former Miss ASU Queens and any former SGA Presidents that were in the building. Lowery then introduced the Processional of Regality which included the Misses and Misters from different clubs and organizations on campus. Following their processional, it was time for The Royal Court to each make their entrance. They were Miss Freshman, Ta’lor Darby, a Biology Pre-Nursing major from Jackson, Mississippi escorted by Cameron Yarber, Miss Sophomore, Rayven Jones, a Biology Pre-Nursing Major from Jackson, Mississippi escorted by Deshun McClendon, Miss Junior, Jamyia Crowder, a Biology Heath Science Major from Olive Branch, Mississipp escorted by Demario Benson, and Miss Senior, Tyriney Marshall, a Biology Pre-Medicine major from Waynesboro, Mississippi escorted by JaQuille Pickett.

After the Royal Court, it was time for the entrance of Mister and Miss Alcorn State University. Stevenson made his entrance first then James followed suit. The crowning of Stevenson and James was done by the 20th President of Alcorn State University, Dr. Felecia M. Nave. Once crowned, Mister and Miss ASU each gave heartwarming speeches.

Stevenson stated, “I’ve dealt with a lot of things over the last couple of years. It always seemed as though I was taking loses and coming in last, but here I am now in first place as the first Mister Alcorn State University. My name will go down in the history books.”

James stated, “Many may know and many may not know that I ran for Miss Sophomore at this University and did not win. From that election, I learned from it and learned what I did wrong and now I am Miss Alcorn State University. So, I want to encourage you that even if you hit a stumbling block, don’t stop.”

After the speeches, Stevenson danced with his mother, Crystal Stevenson and James danced with her father, Obbie James. Next, the Royal Court danced to “Remember the Time” by Michael Jackson. Following the dances, the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated sang a song dedicated to James followed by the brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated singing a song dedicated to Stevenson.

The closing remarks were done by Dr. Tracy M. Cook, Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management. His remarks were then followed by the Alma Mater to close out the night.