Anderson Receives Title III Scholarship


Shakeria Anderson, a 21-year-old Junior, Business Administration major from Coila, Mississippi, has been named a recipient of the National Association of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (NAHBCU) Title III Administrators, Inc.’s Scholarship Award in the amount of $500.00. The purpose of the scholarship is to recognize outstanding students enrolled at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) who have achieved positive academic and service records.

The scholarship is given out every academic school year and each applicant must meet certain criteria such as 1) No former scholarship recipients are eligible to re-apply. 2) The student must be enrolled full-time as an undergraduate at an HBCU and must have completed at least 15 credit hours at the undergraduate level prior to submission.  3) The student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale. 4) The student must have civic and community involvement, and campus leadership activities and 5) The letters of recommendation on the appropriate letterhead should reflect the applicant’s involvement in extra-curricular and/or leadership activities, as well as, a description of the applicant’s work ethic, initiative, responsibility and his/her creativity. Once the criteria has been met by the applicant they will submit the information and wait on the committee’s response.

Anderson stated, “It was indeed an honor to receive this award. Coming from an impoverished area, the scholarship was extremely beneficial to me. I used the money to assist with books and other necessities.” One of the reasons that Anderson was selected for the scholarship was for her tenaciousness as far as attaining her future goals. In July of 2018 she began interning for an agency on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC in the Human Resources Department. “I enjoy learning policies and procedures in human resources and meeting new people. I look forward to returning in May 2019,” said Anderson.

After graduation from Alcorn State University (ASU) in 2020 she plans on continuing working for the Human Resources Department in a more permanent role while furthering her education by pursuing an MBA.