Applewhite Receives MAEOPP Scholarship


Alcorn’s own Joy Applewhite is the latest recipient of the 2016-2017 Mississippi Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel (MAEOPP) Scholarship. The program is a a non-profit consortium of professionals whose goal is to level the playing field of educational opportunity for first-generation, low-income, underrepresented, disabled students and veterans. MAEOPP is a state association designed for entities with federal TRIO programs— federal outreach and student services programs, such as Upward Bound, Talent Search and Student Support Services, that are designed to identify and provide services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Applewhite is a graduate of Lawrence County High School in Monticello, Mississippi. Currently, she is a Sophomore matriculating in the field of Psychology at Alcorn State University.  Since her stellar academic career at Alcorn she has pursued nothing more than greatness in and beyond the classroom. She has been both a Dean’s List Scholar and a President’s Scholar during her duration at Alcorn.

Throughout her academic pursuits she has also found time to involve herself in social organizations. Applewhite is a member of GQ (Gentlemen & Queens) Modeling Squad, Honor Student Organization, Leadership Alcorn,  Student Support Services, Psych Society, Sigma Chi Iota, and Student Ambassadors. She was a participant in the Miss Black and Gold Pageant and the Miss Brave and Beautiful Pageant her freshman year and she was also chosen as the Queen for the Royal Court in the Zulu Ball hosted by Sodexo in February 2015.

Additionally, Applewhite was chosen as a Student Ambassador for Alcorn in a collaborative study abroad opportunity between the University and the Thurgood Marshall College Fund in Taipei, Taiwan. She currently serves as Miss Student Support Services 2015-2016 and she was a Fall 2015 initiate of the Gamma Phi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.

She looks forward to her remaining years at Alcorn and intends to have a major impact on the campus. Upon graduation she plans to pursue a degree in law at an institution that has yet to be determined.