Class of 2021 Elects Freshmen Class President and Miss Freshman


Alcorn State University welcomed its Class of 2021 on Thursday, August 17, 2017 onto the campus with open arms. Once settled into their new home for the next four years the Freshmen class was assigned the task of finding two representatives which consisted of Miss Freshman and the Freshman Class President.

The campaigning process was brief and competitive but on August 20, 2017 the Freshman class chose Tyric James, an Agriculture, Pre-Veterinary major from Belzoni, Mississippi as Freshman Class President and Chelsey Page, a Psychology major from Atlanta, Georgia as Miss Freshman. Both have multiple plans on how to make the 2017-2018 school year very memorable. 

James stated, “We have a Freshman Friday which will consist of fun events for Freshmen only. We’ll have things like mechanical bulls, jump houses, Slip ‘n’ Slides and food. We also want to raise Breast Cancer Awareness.”  Both James and Page are also in sync with doing community service with high school students called ‘Motivation Graduation’ which will be them telling the students how important it is to graduate high school. They will also talk about their Freshman experience at Alcorn. Page is also interested in motivating the young women of her class by hosting lock-ins and sleepovers.

“I want to tend to females more so that they will focus on their goals because there are a lot of distractions in college,” Page said.

The two newly elected Student Government Association (SGA) members both have fundraisers planned in order for them to accomplish their planned events. These events are scheduled to take place in October. 

The duo’s most important goal is to make themselves and the rest of their class grow by getting everyone active by joining different organizations on Alcorn’s campus. Page stated, “I just really want to see everybody elevate and grow.”