Delta Kappa Alphas Host Alpha Week

Between Monday, April 4, 2016 and April 8, 2016 the Alcorn State University (ASU) Delta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. presented Alpha Week. The week was created to entertain and set a positive environment for the students on the campus of ASU.
Monday, April 5, kicked the week off with Phamily Feud which took place in the Library Auditorium at 7:06 pm. The Phamily Feud version was similar to the TV game show Family Feud hosted by Steve Harvey. There were four teams and each competed in three rounds answering the questions by the host, Brother Darian Holt. The winners were the Woodville
Family who won tickets to the Phirst 48 After Party.

Tuesday, April 6, was Silent Library which also took place in the Library Auditorium at 7:06 pm. The premise of Silent Library, which was loosely based off of the MTV show with a similar name, is a game where you are in a library setting and given outlandish sometimes humiliating tasks to complete but the catch is that you have to be extremely quiet or you will be penalized. The winners of this event won tickets to the Stomp The Yard step show which will be held on April 15.

Wednesday, April 7, was NetPhlix & Chill which was held in the Dr. Clinton L. Bristow Dining Facility Gold Room at 7:06 pm.  This was a movie night where students were able to bring their pillows and blankets to watch the film ‘The Perfect Guy’ while indulging on the snacks that were provided for the event.

Thursday, April 8, was Train Like An Alpha which was held in the E.E. Simmons Gymnasium (Old Gym) at 7:06 pm. The Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha partnered with several young ladies to put on their best showcase of strolls and stomps. After the event the first 48
ladies had the chance to get a free pass to the Phirst 48 After Party which was held at the Westside Theatre (The Trace) in Port Gibson, Mississippi.
Friday, April 9, was the 1906 & Park event which was held at the Amenities Bookstore at 3:06 pm. This was a free cookout for the students from the Brothers of the Delta Kappa Chapter for coming out and supporting them during their week.