Easter Service Project at ASU Child Development Laboratory Center


The Alcorn Honor Student Organization (HSO) conducted a “Easter Service Project” with children at Alcorn’s Child Development Laboratory Center on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 from 10:00 am to 10:45 am.

Twenty-one Easter bunny bags were created and given to the children containing a small rabbit, pencils, stickers, plastic eggs and individually wrapped candy. The HSO members also conducted a group demonstration session that included a book reading, bunny hop game and coloring book activity.  The children ranged from ages six weeks to five-years-old.

Dr. Wandra Arrington, Assistant Director of the Honors Curriculum Program and HSO Advisor, stated, “I thought that this was a great university service project that focused on education and family.”

For more information on the Honor Student Organization please contact Dr. Wandra Arrington, Assistant Director for the Honors Curriculum Program at (601) 877-6138 or (601) 877-6139 or email her at warrington@alcorn.edu.