Girl’s Coalition Welcomes 81 New Inductees


The members of Girl’s Coalition hosted their annual New Members Welcome Gala on Wednesday, September 11th in the Gold Room of the Dr. Clinton Bristow Jr. Dining Facility at 7:00 pm on the main campus of Alcorn State University (ASU). The members of the organization welcomed the newest inductees which consisted of 81 young ladies. The room was beautifully decorated in yellow and blue colors with elegant centerpieces for the tables, and a photo section to remember the memories.

Girl’s Coalition is an organization that inspires and uplifts collegiate women through mentorship and organized fellowship and brings awareness to the needs for an alliance among young ladies as they maneuver through the hardships of college. The organization was initially created at Jackson State University in 2016 and went through a re-branding phase and relaunched in the Fall of 2017. The group was chartered on the campus of Alcorn State in the Fall of 2017.

The event began with a warm welcome by Aundrea Brown-McBride followed by a presentation of the organization’s history by Kaziah Robinson.  Shortly after refreshments were served the newest members had a chance to mingle with one another to become better acquainted.

After the refreshments, there was a special presentation by Vice President Kontessa McClendon which honored those African American women who left a positive influence on society. Following that came a trivia game which lightened the mood of the event. The winner of each trivia question won a door prize and two members even experienced a little one-on-one game of rock, paper, scissors in order to claim the prize. At the end of the program, the President of Girl’s Coalition, Destyni Bowie, gave a huge congratulations to the new members and expressed how impressed she was with their resumes. “As your President, I am so proud to have you all be a part of this organization because you all stand out on this campus whether you know it or not. You all are some exceptional young women,” said Bowie.

After her remarks, the girls danced and took pictures in the photo section. The night was filled with empowered and determined young ladies who enjoyed their first step to a promising school year as an official member of Girl’s Coalition.

If you are interested in becoming a member of Girl’s Coalition they have an intake process every Fall. Depending on the elected president at the time, requirements are subject to change. This year’s applicants were required to have a 2.5 grade point average, fill out an application, turn it in to be evaluated by the existing members of the Executive Board and when their application met all of the existing credentials they then received an official invite to the organization.

The next Girl’s Coalition event will be an ice cream mixer for the Adopt-A-Freshman program on Monday, September 16th in the Multipurpose Room in the James L. Bolden Campus Union at 6:30 pm where the members will get a chance to meet their new mentees.