How will you and your family celebrate Christmas in the midst of COVID-19?


Jalesa Jones


Agricultural Business Management


Silver Springs, Maryland

We will keep things somewhat small. Only our nuclear family will be present. However we are planning to make a lot of phone calls and video chats.


Camarihay Butler




Leland, Mississippi

My family and I celebrate Christmas like we usually do except under one condition. Everyone might be required to wear masks as we celebrate this holiday. I have a very big family and we care about everyone’s safety. Although this will be new for us, we are still looking forward to having fun.


Tah’Janae Booker




Dallas, Texas

My family and I will be celebrating the way we do every year. We will decorate the house and exchange gifts. Sometimes we even cook dinner so that our cousins and aunts can eat as well. We play games and have dance competitions  until we’re tired and ready to go.

Akaisha Lewis


Social Work


Yuba City, California

For Christmas my family and I will do a drop off of presents at each house but anyone who went out and got tested will be allowed inside the homes of whoever opens up their house to company. But since it most likely would just be easier to send money via Cashapp or Paypal, we can do that without even having to leave the house.


Johnnie Austin Jr.


Business Administration


Memphis, Tennessee

We will be celebrating it together at a lake house this year. It will be secluded away from multiple family members and others who wish to possibly bring the virus or unwanted negative energy.