Taliyah Williams
Computer Networking
Jackson, Mississippi
I believe it’s easier to love. Hate puts people in bad moods, causes stress and might also make them lash out against those who don’t deserve it. Love relaxes people, generally improves their mood and can even make a person more optimistic.
Jasmine Austin
Food Nutrition and Community Health Science
Jackson, Mississippi
It’s easier to hate because once the love is gone, it’s gone.
Hailey Shelton
Health Science
Macon, Mississippi
It’s easier to hate because hate will stick with you forever. Once you hate someone you can’t love them ever again. You may wish them well in life, but you will still feel the same.
Katora Leonard
Biology Pre-Physical Theraphy
Columbia, Mississippi
In today’s society it’s easier to hate than love hence the reason why there is so much violence. I believe that this is due to people not being equipped to understand that having differences in opinions, lifestyles, and looks are fine because people do not understand that hatred often erupts due to the lack of being able to let go.
Danielle Martin
Picayune, Mississippi
It is easier to love because love is instilled from birth until adulthood. If you had a loving family it would be easier to choose love instead of hate. I also believe that hating someone takes more of your energy than loving someone.