There’s something about the sunlight
that puts me through a pain.
The rays burn through my skin while reflecting from my veins.
I can feel a rush before the thought gets to my
It’s heavy in my chest and my body’s stuck inflamed.
I’m sick.
At least that’s what my doctor’s say.
And I’m so tired of hearing that
I literally suffer from fatigue.
I fight a life long fight
not too many can see.
If I walked around naked you’d think I’ve been beaten.
Rashes are inflamed. I’m bruised by this disease.
Ashamed of the scars and the hurt that it brings.
My mind is often cloudy which puts me in a mood.
All of this gets overwhelming,
I don’t know what to do.
How to cry.
When to pray.
I get stuck in moment’s doom.
I often wonder where I’ll end up,
If they never find a cure.
I look on the bright side,
Through slightly open blinds.
A butterfly is beautiful.
A wolf is courageous.
Lupus is a disease that
I WILL NOT let take me.