Mass Communications Club Hosts Meet and Greet


Alcorn State University’s (ASU) Mass Communications Club held its 5th Annual Meet and Greet in the Industrial Technology Building in Conference Room 4 on Tuesday, September 18th at 12:15 pm. The purpose of this event was for Freshman and Transfer students to better acquaint themselves with upperclassmen and members of the faculty and staff.

The informational began with a prayer from Graduating Senior and Broadcast major Tyanna Liggett, the Purpose of the Meet and Greet was  given by Mass Communications Club President Jordan Lampley, and Miss Mass Communications 2018-2019, Aerial Robinson, gave the Welcome. Afterwards, Hannah Nations, Administrative Assistant of the Department of English, Mass Communications and Foreign Languages and the host of the event, introduced the faculty and staff of the Department which consists of Dr. Babu Patlolla, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Cynthia Scurria, Chair of the Department of English, Mass Communications and Foreign Languages, Dr. Jerry Domotob, Associate Professor of Mass Communications, Mrs. Toni Terrett, Associate Professor of Mass Communications, Dr. Eric Dogini, Associate Professor of Mass Communications, Larry Sanders, Instructor of Mass Communications, Charles Edmond, Operations Manager of WPRL 91.7 FM, Jerome Myles, Gospel Director of WPRL 91.7 FM, Myrtle Hedrick, Administrative Assistant of WPRL 91.7 FM, and Gemario Brooks, Producer/DJ on WPRL 91.7 FM. Each member did a brief introduction of themselves and discussed their specific fields and encouraged each student that attended to come speak with them at any time about their major.

Keturah Moody, a Sophomore Broadcast/Mass Communications major from St. Paul, Minnesota stated, “I thought it was extremely beneficial to attend because it gave me an opportunity to meet new people within the Department and share new ideas as to how we can improve our area.”

After the introductions, several students shared their internship experiences with the audience that they had during the Summer of 2018. Larry Sanders stated, “I’ve been at Alcorn for 14 years and to see nine of our students with internships during the Summer is truly inspiring. These young adults work extremely hard during the duration of the academic school year and for them to use their Summer break to work and improve their skills so that they may get a job when they graduate should be the goal of every Mass Communications student.” The meeting ended with a question and answer segment which gave the Freshman and Transfer students an opportunity to ask the upperclassman, faculty and staff about the Department.

For more information about Alcorn’s Mass Communications Department contact Myrtle Hedrick at (601) 877-6290 or or Larry Sanders at (601) 877-6632 or