Meet ASU’s Newly-Elected Mr. and Miss Mass Communications 2022-2023

On Thursday, September 1st, an interest meeting was held within Alcorn State University’s (ASU) Mass Communications Department for the candidates wanting to run for Mr. and Miss Mass Communications. Campaign week was held between September 5th-9th where each candidate set out tables and were able to converse with students throughout the Department as to why they should be elected as the newly-crowned 2022-2023 Mr. and Miss Mass Communications.

On Monday, September 12th, voting took place from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm online upon which the students chose D’Marius Jones as Mr. Mass Communications 2022-2023 and Charlie Bal as Miss Mass Communications 2022-2023.

Mr. Mass Communications, D’Marius F. Jones, is a Senior Mass Communications major from Jackson, Mississippi. The motto that he ran on was “God Can and Will”. “One of my tentative goals early on is to be able to shed light onto our Department and unify our entire student body as one. I also want to demonstrate my immense commitment to the Mass Communications field,” says Jones. His plans also involve him being more involved within the Department by having monthly meetings with instructors and administrators about improving the aesthetics of the classrooms within the Industrial Technology Building and reporting back to his constituents.

Charlie Bal is a Junior Broadcasting major from Phoenix, Arizona who is also a member of the ASU Women’s Soccer team. The motto that she campaigned on was “Against All Odds”. Bal stated, “The odds can be anything ranging from poor equipment or even elements outside of school. My overall plan as newly-elected Miss Mass Communications is to build an environment and community of diverse talent that excels in multiple aspects of this Department. We can explore our talents and give our efforts in hopes of creating better engagement with students.” She plans to organize events such as seminars and opportunities for the students of Alcorn to have a say on what goes on within the Department. She is adamant about making Mass Communications the number one source of information.

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