Senior Class Spreads Sickle Cell Awareness

On Wednesday, September 23, 2015, the Senior Class of Alcorn State University raised awareness about Sickle Cell Anemia.  There was a table set up in the Clinton Bristow Dining Facility which consisted of reading materials to educate anyone who stopped by the display.  

Senior Class President, Reginald Higgins and Miss Senior, Ari’Anna Magee spearheaded the event by planning to spread awareness about Sickle Cell because September is observed as Sickle Cell Awareness Month. They asked the students of Alcorn to wear red in observance of those with the Sickle Cell disease and those with the Trait.

The seniors issued out red candy and fact sheets about the disease. The color red was prominently displayed throughout the display because it is mostly known as a symbol for Sickle Cell Awareness. The number of students to participate in the event topped well over 200 individuals. Many students that participated made the seniors knowledgeable of the fact that they have Sickle Cell or the Trait.  DeQuincy Haynes, a senior Chemistry major from Tallulah, LA said, “I’m really delighted that we decided to do this event because many people on campus don’t know the dangers and symptoms of Sickle Cell.”

Sickle Cell is the most common genetic disease in the United States and between seventy and eighty thousand Americans have this dreaded disease. It is not contagious and can only be inherited. People that have the Trait will never get the disease. Anyone can be tested for Sickle Cell with a simple blood test called Hemoglobin Electrophoresis. It can be performed by a local doctor or any Sickle Cell foundation.

Jakia Gilbert, a senior Mass Communications major from Clarksdale, MS stated, “We are just trying to reach out to people that may be suffering from this disease and educate individuals who may not know that much about it.”

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