The Alcorn Writing Center: A Hidden Gem

As a student it is crucial that you utilize your resources to the best of your ability. Here at Alcorn State University (ASU) there have been great strides to help students in all aspects including academics, professional and their personal lives.

One of these efforts involves the Alcorn Writing Center which is located on the first floor of the J.D. Boyd Library. As implied, the Center focuses on writing related subjects, however, they also help students improve on their researching skills, lab reports and oral communications. The Center is a safe space where students can come study and learn habits that will help them improve in the classroom and in professional settings.

Consuela Jones, Director of Writing Center, stated, “I work with about 30 to 50 students per week. Our primary goal is to help them understand themselves as professionals. We talk about study habits and what they need improvement on.” Being that literacy is an essential component of any career field this Center works effortlessly to carter to student’s needs and well-being. They connect with students by sending emails each week encouraging them to stop by even if it’s not school related.

They offer a creative writing program where students can meet every Friday to share poems, songs or any creative written piece.

The Center’s efforts don’t stop there as they hope to increase their social media presence so that more students will discover and participate in all that they offer. Adrianna Clark, a Junior Political Science major, stated, “I like the environment in the Writing Center. It’s not that many people in there so it’s kind of intimate and it’s easy to get the one-on-one help that you need.”

Students who do take advantage of this resource can most definitely see the difference that it makes. You can schedule an appointment or simply stop by to experience it for yourself. They are available Monday – Thursday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and Friday from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm. You can call (601) 877-2473 for more information.

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