The World of Stiches


Ladies we all love sew-ins. Right or Wrong? They give us an opportunity to try something new and creative with every style. Have you been wondering “Ummm, can I ever pull my hair in a high ponytail, is there a way I can prevent heat damage or can I style half of my hair up and the other half down.” The world of sew-ins has advanced in more ways than you can image. Are you looking for a sew-in method that fulfills all of your hair desires? Well you’ve come to the right place because before you finish reading you’ll know exactly what you want.


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Traditional sew-ins are what we consider the standard sew-in. The client’s hair is braided down by the stylist in a pattern that best suits their head. If the client chooses they can decide if they want to leave the perimeter of their edges out for a more natural look. The the top of the head will be sectioned off to give the hair and the extension a natural blend. Traditional sew-ins are good for trying new styles or if you just need a style that is more convenient. You can accomplish this style with either three bundles or two packs of packed hair. 


Full sew-ins allow the client to have all their real hair braided up. The hair is normally braided in a circle or straight to the back depending on the style you are trying to achieve. The hair is then installed beginning at the back of the head. At the slant in your head the stylist starts to sew the hair in a circular motion around the head. Once the circle starts to close in, a handmade or store bought, a closure is put in the middle to finish the style. This style can be achieved with three bundles or two packs of packed hair. Full sew-ins are good for people who don’t want to bother with the maintenance of leave-out.



Sew-ins with closure are also good for people who do not want to bother with their real hair. In this method, a closure, which is normally a 4×4 inch lace hairpiece, is plucked and prepped to be sewed down to the head. By placing the prepped part directly on top of the real part it gives it a real appearance. The rest of the hair is sewed around the closure. To achieve this style, you must have three packs of hair and a closure.


Sew-ins with frontals are trending most right now. The hair is braided straight to the back. An ear-to-ear hair piece is then installed at the top of the head acting as a natural hairline. The frontal should be plucked and the knots should be bleached prior to install. This frontal can either be sewed down, glued down, taped down or held down with the elastic band method. The other bundles are then sewed in the head starting at the back working its way up making a U-shape. Frontals allow you to pull your hair back, install braids and anything else you would do with your natural hair. To achieve this style, you will need a frontal and 2 1/5 to 3 bundles of hair.


·     Do not continuously apply heat to your leave.

·     Use a heat protectant.

·     Sews-ins are good up until three months.

·     When washing hair don’t ball hair up, let the water run smoothly through it and take your fingers to run shampoo through it.

·     After uninstalling, be sure to brush your hair out completely before washing it.

·     Enjoy the convenience but treat the hair as if it were yours.