Why it is Important to Support All Black Lives


In recent months all we have been hearing in the black community is “BLACK LIVES MATTER”. However, when we say this phrase do we really mean all black lives matter? It’s time we as a black community care about ALL black lives, especially those outside of the United States.

The recent events in the #ENDSARS movement made it apparently clear to me that black people in the U.S. do not necessarily support black people outside of the country. This needs to change because at the end of the day we are all united by the color of our skin.

According to CNN.com, the #ENDSARS movement is a social media campaign which is in retaliation against the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS). This group has been torturing and killing young people in Nigeria as they protest against them.

Since the start of the #ENDSARS social media campaign, there has been an outcry from Nigerians to support them as their country is going through turmoil. This should not be the case. They should not have to scream to be heard and supported. As black people, when we see the injustices of our fellow people, we should automatically support them. Our brothers and sisters are hurting and turning our backs on them would actually make things worse.

The main reason that we should support black lives outside of our country is because they have supported us in our time of need. Since the death of Trayvon Martin and the recent death of George Floyd, black people around the world have been supporting and protesting with us. We have to return the favor and help them in their time of need. The United States is a world power and it is easier for us to use this power to amplify the voices of the voiceless. Black people around the world must stick together because there are injustices surrounding us everywhere.

The #ENDSARS movement is not the only movement that is going on in Africa that needs our attention. There is a new movement called #CongoIsBleeding that is circulating around social media right now. According to face2faceafrica.com, #CongoIsBleeding is about the mines in Congo that produce half of the world’s cobalt. The reason that people are protesting these mines is because of the 40,000 laboring children that are working in these mines and the government’s dismissal to do anything to help these children who are being exploited for their labor.

#CongoIsBleeding should hit home for most black people in America because much of the technology that we use on a daily basis comes from these mines in Congo. Knowing that 40,000  children are hurting so that we can have certain technologies should encourage us even more to help our fellow black people in the Congo.

#ENDSARS and #CongoIsBleeding is not the first social media campaign for black people and will not be the last. These two are just the most recent and need our attention and support. Africa is referred to by many as the motherland and we must protect it no matter where we live in the world. Black people must not be selfish as to what is only going on near them. They must be open-minded to the issues of all black people around the world.

If you see #ENDSARS, #CongoIsBleeding, or any other black movement hashtag that is circulating on social media, make sure that you share and amplify their cause. There should be a conscience effort to support all black people regardless of nationality because at the end of the day, ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER.