Young Voters Unite

There is a desperate plea across the nation that is aimed to get teens and young adults educated on their voting rights and involvement. This work is monumental for the future of this nation and requires much needed devotion and strategy.

On September 12th Mississippi Votes and The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) teamed up to visit Alcorn State University (ASU) at the Plaza with the hopes of getting students registered to vote. Not only did they aim to get young people registered, but they also wanted to educate them. They did so by setting up tables and talking to students for hours about how they can make an impact at their college home.

They discovered that many students were discouraged to vote due to the fact that they thought because they were not from the area their vote wouldn’t count. However, the representatives from both parties helped them realize that they can apply by using their school address instead of using their home address thus making them eligible to vote in that county.

With election dates quickly approaching this was a way to push the movement especially when involving minorities. “Young people have the power, young people have the stamina, the endurance, and the fortitude to go out and make things happen. We know that when we capture the young people that a lot of things can happen at a higher level,” stated Kimar Cain, State Community Organizer.

Although this was a serious event, it was also exuberant. The event featured a DJ who played music and did giveaways that included Graphic T-Shirts and wrist bands. This was one out of a five stop tour for the SPLC, who are set to visit multiple Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) throughout the state of Mississippi this Fall.

Teryn Quarles, a Junior Biology Health Science major at Alcorn, stated, “I think that as young people it’s important for our voice to be heard and that we’re the next leaders in America. We’re growing up, we’re going through college and we’re learning, so hey, it’s important that we say something so we can shape the world on how we want to shape it.”

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