Sophomore and Senior Class Present Class Week 2019


Alcorn State University (ASU) provided students with an abundance of on campus activities to do from February 4th, – February 8th, 2019. Presented by the Sophomore and Senior Class Cabinet, both parties created a day-to-day event schedule for students to participate in for the week.

On Monday, February 4th, the Cabinets provided the students with ‘Movie Night’. The film being shown, entitled Ready Player One, was shown at 6:30 pm in the Math and Science Building in Room 109.

Tuesday, February 5th, things turned up a notch with the ‘Battle of the Sexes’ event. This occurred at 6:30 pm in the Multipurpose Room of Complex D. As people arrived, people began to write questions to ask on a piece of paper and turned it back into a Cabinet member. Cabinet members then took turns asking questions and allowing individuals of both sexes to give their opinion on the question.

One of the most popular game shows, ‘Family Feud’, was up next on the list of events for the week. On Wednesday, February 6th, this event was held at 7:00 pm in the James L. Bolden Union Ballroom. Upon arrival, people who wanted to play were all given a number and if their number was called, they would go up to the front and eventually be united with their team. Cabinet members named this game “Braves’ Edition” and asked questions pertaining to Black History Month and other categories. There were four different teams in total and Senior Class President, Casey Larry, was the host for the night.

The Senior and Sophomore Class took their next event to Union Rooms 7 and 8 for their next event entitled, ‘Game Night’. On Thursday, February 7th, the function began at 6:30 pm and involved numerous games such as Spades, Uno, and others.

A ‘Stoplight Party’ was hosted in the E.E. Simmons Gymnasium, also known on campus as the “Old Gym”, on Friday, February 8th at 7:00 pm. The goal of this event was for people to mix and mingle while being able to broadcast their relationship status. It was suggested that people who were single should wear green, people who were having complications within their relationship should wear yellow and those in a relationship should wear red. This event concluded the week’s festivities.