The Yard’s Fashionably Forwarded /Aaliyah


The Fashionably Forwarded Aaliyah Richardson is a Junior Biology Pre-Dental major from Brookhaven, Mississippi. She is a member of various organizations on Alcorn’s campus such as the T.R.E.N.D. Modeling Squad, Girl’s Coalition, and many more. Her personal aesthetic would be described as very chic and posh while she can also be extremely versatile at times. 

For Richardson, fashion is a form of expression as she loves to showcase her creative side with different pieces. She has always had a passion for fashion at a very young age but modeling has pushed her out of her comfort zone and inspired her to dress more confidently while expanding her wardrobe. 

With her love for heels and purses, Richardson gears more towards bright/pastel colors for her posh statement pieces. Her favorite brands include Pretty Little Thing, Shein, and Forever 21. Instagram influencers such as @dearra and @tia.monaee both help and inspire her personal style. For those starting to get into their personal style, Richardson would suggest inspiration from Pinterest and YouTube clothing hauls.

Upcoming trends you can expect to see Richardson in for this Fall season can include flannels, leather jackets, vinyl boots, etc. In the near future, she has hopes of expanding her personal wardrobe and getting into styling for celebrities. 

Aaliyah Richardson