Alcorn’s Hosts 7th Annual Fall Health and Wellness Fair 2016


On Wednesday, November 9, 2016 Alcorn State University held its 7th Annual Fall Health and Wellness Fair from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm at the James L. Bolden Campus Union on the Lorman Campus.

The Health and Wellness Fair gives students a chance to meet with representatives from different companies to learn more about health.  Students come into the Fair to receive tips on how to stay healthy and how to notice different signs as to when they are not. The Fair also helps students to learn healthy eating habits and shows them how to avoid different illnesses by participating in physical training. Companies and organizations such as Jefferson Comprehensive Health Center, the Mississippi State Department of Health, ASU H.E.R.O.S. (Alcorn State University Health Educators Reaching Other Students), Alcorn Department of Human Sciences, Mary Kay Skin Care, Alcorn Extension Program, Alcorn Substance Abuse Prevention Program, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Mississippi Organ Recovery Agency (MORA) and the Alcorn State University Department and Disability Services were present to promote their message of proper health care.

Throughout the Fair, which was free to the public, there were booths set up where visitors could get health screenings and informational pamphlets concerning their well being. There were a plethora of activities that individuals could partake in such as getting their blood pressure taken, finding out what their blood glucose level was, getting flu vaccinations, discussing breast and cervical health with a trained professional, getting skin care and make-up techniques and more.

Jocelyn Taylor, a graduating Senior from Mound Bayou, Mississippi and a member of ASU H.E.R.O.S. stated, “The Health Fair is an excellent idea that helps numerous people throughout the University. The organization that I’m affiliated with (ASU H.E.R.O.S.) specializes in health services for Alcorn State University while offering knowledge and leadership to other members of the community as well.”

Becky Pierson, a representative for the Mississippi Organ Recovery Agency (MORA), explained how her company was interested in organ and tissue donations. She stated, “Our goal is to show people how important it is to register and become an organ donor. One organ donor can save 8 lives and one tissue donor can enhance the lives of 50 or more people. There are currently 121,000 people nationally waiting for an organ donation and 1,500 of those are Mississippians. Please help save a life today.”

For more information about Alcorn’s Health Fair contact Dorothy Davis at (601) 877-6460 or