9 Reasons to Choose an HBCU


Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have been a fixture in the African American community for well over 100 years. These institutions take our best and brightest and mold them into leaders of the future. To be honest, where would our community as a whole be without them? It is some important and impactful that we as a people continue the tradition of sending our youth to these schools so that our future may be impacted in a positive manner. Here are 9 key reasons to attend an HBCU.


You just finished your Freshman year on ‘The Yard’. Tell me how many friends you can consider as your sisters/brothers? At least one or two, right? And what about that advisor that you call ‘Mama’/’Uncle’? You guys are pretty close, right? Like family. Students who attend an HBCU can agree that everyone on campus are in some way, like family. Whether it be an advisor who’s like a mom or a classmate who’s like a sister, we all feel connected on some level. The atmosphere from staff to student and student to student is a tremendous connection. HBCU students and graduates can all agree that their HBCU is like a home away from home. Or maybe I’m just tripping.

FREE MONEY IS EVERYWHERE. Every HBCU has foundation scholarships, which is basically money from alumni who take pride in their alma mater. The qualifications for scholarships are catered for everyone, so that everyone gets a fair shot at applying. The only thing expected of the attendees is that if they qualify and get the scholarship that they keep up their grades. This free money is sitting there ripe for the pickings. Or maybe I’m just tripping.

If you attend an HBCU and you’ve ever met an alumnus, they take pride in their alma mater. To see generations after them continue the legacies of them and their former classmates, sets a different tone in their spirits. The people who have attended your HBCU before you are always proud to know that you chose their former college, and this can also lead to mentorship opportunities as well as financial support. Or maybe I’m just tripping.

Alumni are the most important part of attending an HBCU. Without them, there would be no HBCU. These people set the atmosphere for the campus. They started the traditions of the universities and for that, attendees should forever be grateful for these people. Alumni are resourceful in so many ways and can lead you to so much more. They can serve as mentors for so many students simply because they were once where the student was. They are understanding and they also love to help out when they visit the institution again. Or maybe I’m just tripping.


An HBCU is defined as a college or university that was originally founded to educate students of African-American descent. The foundation of your school was built catered to your melanin. Blood, sweat, and tears were put in so that you could attend a university surrounded by those just like you. The black appreciation and culture at an HBCU is one in a million. The appreciation for natural hair, dreads, freckles, and all things black are glorified on an HBCU campus. Who wouldn’t love to be appreciated just for being black? Or maybe I’m just tripping.

The memories created on ‘The Yard’ are something that you will forever remember. From parking lot pimping, to Midnight Breakfast, and even probate season, these experiences are very different on an HBCU campus. These are things every incoming Freshman looks forward to. During orientation you will hear your classmates constantly say, “I can’t wait until..”, because that’s what college is all about making memories that will last a lifetime, while getting your education. The only difference with making memories on an HBCU campus is, you’re always surrounded by family. Or maybe I’m just tripping.


This week on an HBCU campus is all about bringing the campus together. Events are catered to the students and alumni both. Homecoming at an HBCU is planned months in advance, just to ensure the best experience for all attendees. From personal experience, this week will always be implanted in your college memories. To see ‘The Yard’ painted with your school colors and to see people, young and old enjoying everyone’s shared home, will be a feeling like no other. Or maybe I’m just tripping.

HBCU parties are always LIT! From the music, to the time and effort put into outfits, and even the promotion side, the preparation for parties are always just as fun as the party themselves. Also, whether it be an on campus party or an off campus party, the atmosphere is always so family oriented. Even the music choices accompanies everyone’s preference. Or maybe I’m just tripping.


My final point I want to make about the HBCU experience is the importance of friendships. From the time you step foot on an HBCU campus, until you graduate, you will always have a friend. They may not physically hang out with you on a day to day basis, but you will never not see a friendly face. HBCUs are full of people just like you, which automatically links you to the next person. The campus sets a tone and it never dies, even after you’ve moved on. HBCUs create friendships that truly last a lifetime. Or maybe I’m just tripping.