
The Campus Chronicle is a student run online newspaper that is compiled by the students of Alcorn State University. It began in 1988 and serves not only the campus of Alcorn State University but also the surrounding community. The Campus Chronicle welcomes all contributions and all submissions become property of the Chronicle because it may receive more submissions than available space can accommodate and not all submissions can be acknowledged or printed. The Chronicle has the right to edit any material submitted to it or reject the material without contacting the submitter. The Chronicle will refrain from printing any material that is deemed offensive in nature.

Submissions should not be longer than 500 words and must include the name, e-mail address and phone number of the author. All submissions should be e-mailed to Larry Sanders at lsanders@alcorn.edu every Friday at 3:00 pm. The student’s newspaper is a product of the Department of Mass Communications at Alcorn State University.

You can keep in contact with the Mass Communications Department at Alcorn State University by:

Twitter: www.Twitter.com/@theasuchronicle

YouTube: www.YouTube.com/AsuMassCommDept13

Instagram: www.Instagram.com/theasuchronicle

WPRL 91.7 FM: www.wprl.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ASUMassCommDept