Album Review: Over It


“Over It” is Summer Walker’s debut studio album. The album, which is 49 minutes long and consists of 18 songs, was released on October 4, 2019 through LoveRenaissance and Interscope Records.

There are five songs on this album that are truly intriguing. The main audience for her album are young females. Her first song “Over It”, is a very relatable song for many females when it comes to dating a guy. In this song she really expresses how sometimes we as women feel like men believe we are too much to handle. There are many messages in this song and one is that, if you’re a man and you say you’re a man, be a man and know what it’s like to date a woman that is not mediocre. If you cannot handle a self-established women, don’t waste her time. The beat to this song is very slow and relaxed.

The next song on the album I really enjoy is her song entitled, “Potential”. In this song she sings about how many times a female will be interested in a male and know that he has potential to be her next boyfriend, but she still may have questions. Questions such as, will you be with me through my highs and lows? In the song she says, “I’m not tryna be out here with my hopes up, if you’re all for me then let me know wassup.” The main message from this song is, mean what you say and prove it through your actions. This song doesn’t have many beats and truly allows the artist to get her message across through her words.

“Tonight” is my favorite song from this album. The intro of the song showcases her vocal range and the message and vibe of the song is very catchy. This song talks about how a female has been away from her lover for too long and all she desires is for them to have their special night together. She doesn’t want any distractions and wants to make up for lost time. It is one of her most intimate songs on the album.

Along with “Tonight”, the song entitled, “Like It”, is very intimate. Again, this song is speaking from a female’s perspective. In it the female wants her partner all to herself and says, “I’m so selfish, I can’t help it, I need you all to myself.” The female is basically being conceited in this situation and talks about how no other female will take care of him the way she will. The beginning of the song starts slow and then the beat drops. This song is one of the more upbeat songs from the album. It gives you a dreamy feel.

Lastly, is the song “I’ll Kill You”. This song features another amazing artist, Jhene Aiko, whose sound correlates well with Walker’s. The message of this song talks about how a female’s love for her significant other could be so strong that she is willing to kill someone for them. The female talks about how she has waited her entire life for the love he gives her and would do anything to keep it, even if that means hurting someone. In the song there is a line that says, “I’d go to Hell and jail for you boy.” Like most songs on the album, this song has a slow pace with snappy beats in the background.

This album is definitely my favorite album at the moment. Summer Walker gave females one of the most relatable albums of all time. I consistently have this album on repeat because several songs are catchy, different, and have a fresh feel to them. This is her first album and I commend her for the hard work she put into this project. You can tell she put her blood, sweat, and tears into this work and she truly deserves all of the recognition she is getting with this album.

“Over It” receives 10 stars out of 10 stars. This album is pure perfection.