Alcorn Hosts 74th Biannual Honors Convocation


On October 27, 2016 at 10:00 am at the Oakland Memorial Chapel, Alcorn State University held its 74th Biannual Honors Convocation at the Lorman Campus.

This year’s Convocation honored 366 Dean’s Scholars and 145 President’s Scholars for their academic achievement from the prior year. Certificates were awarded to the students for being on the President’s and Dean’s List.

The program began with a prelude by Mr. Tony Gordon, University Organist. Next was the Posting of Colors by the Braves’ Battalion. The invocation was next which was given by Reverend C. Edward Rhodes II, Director of Student Religious Life. Afterwards Alcorn’s Concert Choir sang a selection entitled, ‘She Walks In Beauty.’

After the song. Whitney Jackson, Miss Alcorn State University 2016-2017, and Jeremy Martin, Student Government Association President 2016-2017, gave the Welcome while Dr. Donzell Lee, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs led The Occasion. Following Dr. Lee was a selection from the Alcorn Men’s Chorale which was conducted by Mr. Charles Wesley from the Department of Fine Arts. The selection entitled, ‘Swing Down Chariot’ spoke volumes to the audience as its poignant words encouraged the students to never give up. After the song Mrs. Myquis Levels-Morgan, Honor Student Organization (HSO) President, did the Introduction of the Keynote Speaker which was Neddie Winters.

Neddie Winters, President of Mission Mississippi, which is a movement to encourage and demonstrate grace in the Body of Christ across racial lines, spoke to the scholars. He stated, “I want each one of you to dream, motivate and change the world.” After Winters spoke, Dr. Wanda Arrington, Assistant Director, Honors Curriculum Program and Dr. Larry Konecky, Chairman, Department of Fine Arts, recognized the Honorees and handed out the Special Awards.

Dr. Alfred Rankins Jr., Alcorn State University’s 19th President did the closing remarks. Dr. Rankins told the scholars and audience, “Everybody wants to be famous but nobody wants to put in the work. These young people sitting before us today are an exception to that rule because they have put in the work and are reaping the benefits of that hard work.”

For more information about this event or upcoming events, visit or contact the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs at (601) 877-6140.