Alcorn State University Celebrates 73rd Biannual Honors Convocation


Alcorn State University celebrated its Biannual Spring 2016 Honors Convocation on Thursday, March 24, 2016 at 10:00 am in the Oakland Memorial Chapel in Lorman, MS. The theme of this semester’s program was Academic Excellence: The Path to Success. During the program, some of Alcorn’s most distinguished students were recognized for their academic achievements, classifying them as Dean or Presidential Scholars.

The Master of Ceremony was Dr. John Igwebuike, Interim Dean, School of Business. The program began with a prelude by Tony Gordon, University Organist, and was followed by the processional of platform guests. The posting of the colors was piloted by the Alcorn Braves Battalion. The invocation was given by Reverend C. Edward Rhodes II, Director of Student Religious Life. Next was a selection by the Alcorn State University Concert Choir which grasped the attention of many attendees. The welcome was disposed by Amber King, Miss Alcorn State University, and Adrian McLain, Student Government Association President. Dr. Donzell Lee, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, presented the occasion. “For the 73rd time, Alcorn State University pauses to recognize its distinguished scholars and champions,” he stated. After the occasion, a selection was given by the Alcorn Men Chorale, conducted by Charles Wesley. Myquis Levels-Morgan, Honor Student Organization President, introduced the keynote speaker,Wendy B. Scott.

A graduate of Harvard University and New York University School of Law, Scott has obtained a lifetime’s worth of exceptional service, having distinguished herself as a lawyer, teacher, legal scholar, administrator, and community leader.

Scott gave much insight, advice and guidance to current esteemed students. “Each of you are here because you chose to strive for academic excellence. Your commitment to success must be demonstrated by hard work,” she said. Scott expressed to students that this is only the beginning of their paths to success. She encouraged them to take the tools that they have gathered thus far and continue to succeed. “God has blessed you to be a blessing to others. Prepare yourselves to be accounted amongst the most accomplished individuals and alumni of this great university. Make Alcorn proud,” she said in her final statements.

Succeeding the speaker, another selection was given by the Concert Choir followed by the recognition of honorees by Dr. Wandra Arrington, Assistant Director of the Honors Curriculum program. Closing remarks were given by Dr. Lee. In his annotations Dr. Lee stated, “Academic achievement is primary at Alcorn. We certainly hope that all of our students will continue to be dedicated and committed to their academic success.” He ended his message with acknowledgements, thanking everyone for coming out and participating.

The program was concluded with the singing of the Alcorn Ode by the Concert Choir and audience, retiring of colors by the Braves Battalion, and postlude by Tony Gordon.

For more information about this event or upcoming events, visit or contact the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs at 1000 ASU Drive #569, Lorman, MS 39096, or phone (601) 877-6140.