Taylor receives 1st Place in PSA Contest


The Historically Black Colleges and Universities- Center for Excellence (HBCU-CFE) in Behavioral Health at Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) organized a Public Service Announcement (PSA) contest for students of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in the video, audio and print category.

Two of the student leaders, with the support of fellow Active Minds members, Torri Smith, Charmae Damper and students from other departments participated in the contest. Jocelyn Taylor, a Senior Mass Communications major participated in the video contest while Sajjal Neupane, a Freshman Computer Science major participated in the print contest. The video submission secured first place which was announced at the National HBCU Behavioral Health Awareness Day webcast on February 23, 2017. “It is a delight to know that students are raising awareness about critical issues such as Eating Disorders (Video Entry) and Stress (Print Entry) which are common behavioral issues faced by college students. Creating awareness is indeed a prelude to addressing the issue,” stated Dr. Martha Ravola, Adviser of Active Minds at Alcorn State University. This is the second year that the students of Active Minds participated in the HBCU Behavioral Health PSA contest and secured 1st place.

The PSA submissions can be viewed by accessing the following link. https://youtu.be/ij_qOZkwBhE

For further information about Active Minds contact Dr. Martha Ravola, Advisor, Active Minds by email at mravola@alcorn.edu or by phone at (601) 877-4717 or Ms. Tiffany Smith, Advisor, Active Minds by email at tiffanys@alcorn.ed or by phone at (601)-877-3967.