Alcorn’s 71st Biannual Honors Convocation


Alcorn State University celebrated it’s Spring 2015 Honors Convocation on Thursday, March 26, at 10:00 am at the Oakland Memorial Chapel. The theme for this year’s event was, ‘Celebrate Your Legacy: Be Mindful of the Future.

This year’s Convocation honored 328 Dean’s Scholars and 113 President’s Scholars for their academic achievement from the prior year. Certificates were awarded to the students for being on the President’s and Dean’s List.

The Convocation began with a Prelude by Mr. Tony Gordon, who is an Instructor in the Department of Fine Arts, and the University’s organist. Next was the Posting of Colors and then Reverend C. Edward Rhodes II, Director of Student Religious Life, gave the Invocation. Terika Jefferson, a sophomore Nursing major from Austin, Texas, who was in attendance for being on the Dean’s List stated, “It is indeed a great honor to be here amongst my peers who have taken education seriously. I believe that all of us in this room will be the next leaders of tomorrow.”

After the Invocation there was the Welcome presented to the audience by Miss Cortni Cooper, Miss Alcorn State University 2014-2015 and Mr. Zackeus Johnson, Student Government Association President for 2014-2015. The two expressed how proud they were of the students and challenged them to continue their exceptional display of leadership through knowledge.

Next up was the Occasion which was presented by Dr. Donzell Lee, Interim Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. Following Dr. Lee was a selection from the Alcorn Men’s Chorale which was conducted by Mr. Charles Wesley from the Department of Fine Arts. The selection entitled, ‘I Can’t Tarry’ spoke volumes to the audience as its poignant words encouraged the students to never give up. Attending the Convocation was Larry Sanders, an Instructor in the Department of Mass Communications. Sanders stated, “I am so proud of the students here today. I realize that, in some instances, it may be difficult to manage a college life and academics at the same time and these young people pulled it off. I have some of my students in here right now and I am just bursting with pride for them.”

After the selection chosen by the Men’s Chorale, Draven Howard, President of the Honors Student Organization, introducted the Keynote Speaker which was Judge Carlton W. Reeves. Judge Reeves is a native of Yazoo, Mississippi and graduated Magma Cum Laude in Political Science from Jackson State University in 1986. He received his law degree from the University of Virginia in 1989. In December 2010 President Obama appointed Judge Reeves to the Federal District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi.

Judge Reeves’ speech to the students was nothing short of dynamic as he praised their academics and encouraged them to continue down the road of success. Judge Reeves not only gave praise to the students but he praised the parents of the students for instilling in their children that, “knowledge is power.”

After Judge Reeves’ speech Dr. Wanda Arrington, Assistant Director of the Honors Curriculum Program,
gave Recognition of the Honorees. Following the Recognition of the Honorees, the 19th President of Alcorn State University, Dr. Alfred Rankins Jr., gave the closing remarks.