Amber Jones Brings #Dear20Something Seminar to Alcorn


#Dear20Something is a seminar founded by Amber Jones, a singer/songwriter from Jackson Mississippi, who is an Alcorn State University (ASU) graduate. Jones hosted her #Dear20Something event at ASU on November 7th, on the first floor of Complex D’s Multi-Purpose Room, which lasted from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

Jones had a panel of other graduates from Alcorn who included, James Wright, Jonathan “JC” Collins, and Kendreka “Katie” Pipes. All members of the panel voiced their opinions about certain topics and spoke about their own trials and tribulations after college. This event was open to everyone who attends ASU. Light refreshments and snacks were also provided.

The idea of this seminar was to give advice to college students so that they are more prepared for their future after college. Jones stated, “I started #Dear20Something because I had no clue what I was doing after college.” The first topic discussed was how to balance everything in your life. Time management was the main aspect talked about during this discussion. Jones stressed the importance of time management and how it correlates with having a successful future.

Another topic discussed was life after college. The panel discussed how life after college will be challenging, but you must live and learn to be a better version of yourself. Collins stated, “When you do something that is wrong and know it’s wrong but continue to do it, life will not be in your favor.” He spoke about a time in his life when he realized what he was doing was not working. Once he stopped doing this particular thing, his life changed in a positive way.

Furthermore, the standards that one lives by was another topic discussed. Jones asked students, “Are you living by the standards of yourself or living by the standards of others?” This question allowed students to reflect on their reasoning for being in school and if they are in school to have a profession that they will enjoy. Pipes stated, “Have a career that you love because you don’t want to go to a job everyday that you don’t like.” This topic talked about not looking for the approval of others and following your dreams. Members of the panel advised having a plan A, but also recommended having a plan B if plan A does not go as planned. They discussed how individuals must research, study, and align themselves for success because success will not come easy without hard work and dedication.

The last segment of the seminar was a discussion that compared anticipation and realization. Jones asked students that were present to give their opinion about which was more important. Some students viewed anticipation more important than realization and some viewed realization more important. Jones talked about how they are both important because they are related. She stated, “While anticipating things you realize certain things and you will learn from this.”

Student, Jeranesia Haynes, a Child Development major, stated, “I took away a lot of knowledge from this event, but one of the main things I learned is that no matter what you do in life always follow your dreams and what you believe in.”