ASU Honors Students at 80th Biannual Honors Convocation


On October 24th, Alcorn State University (ASU) hosted its 80th Biannual Honors Convocation at the James L. Bolden Campus Union Ballroom at 10:00 am.

The program began with the Prelude conducted by Tony Gordon, an Instructor in the Department of Fine Arts. Next, the Posting of Colors were carried out by the Braves’ Battalion followed by the Invocation, which was done by Reverend Barry Thompson, Pastor of Laurel Hill Missionary Baptist Church. Following that was a selection by the ASU Concert Choir which was directed by Dr. Alona Alexander.

The program continued as Jakhia Gray, Miss Alcorn 2019-2020 and James Herrington, Student Government Association President 2019-2020, did the official Welcoming. Nadia Love, President of the Honor Student Organization, introduced the Keynote Speaker for the event who was Orpheus Triplett. Triplett is a graduate of Alcorn and is also the Assistant Dean of Community Oral Health and Outreach for UTHSC College of Dentistry.

Triplett proceeded to recognize 613 Dean’s Scholars and 321 President’s Scholars. As he continued, he spoke on obstacles he had faced in life and spoke on how to overcome them while giving the audience valuable tips. He emphasized the importance of how to stay on track and not get distracted. “Build success through future expectations and don’t let things get in between you and your goals,’’ stated Triplett. After Triplett concluded, ASU’s President, Dr. Felicia Nave, gave her closing remarks. Jordan Hamilton, a Junior, Electromechanical Engineering major, stated, “ I enjoyed the speaker today. He emphasized the importance of staying focused which is what my parents stress to me all of the time.’’

Concluding the event, Alcorn’s faculty expressed to the students how proud they were of them for their achievements and maintaining high goals and standards. Taea Jackson, a Junior Biochemistry major, stated, “ I enjoyed getting recognized for my hard work. It meant a lot to me.”