Department of Human Sciences Host Town Hall Meeting


Alcorn State University’s Department of Human Sciences hosted a town hall meeting on February 1, 2018 in the Multipurpose Room in the Eunice Powell Building.

This meeting began at 12:30 pm with the welcome by Dr. Edith Ezekwe, Practicum Director and an Instructor of Nutrition and Dietetics. The Department of Human Sciences offers degree programs in Child Development and Nutrition and Dietetics. It was clearly stated that the purpose of the meeting was for the advancement of the students in the Department. Much focus was placed on the opportunities that the Department could offer students and how to go about taking advantage of such opportunities.

One of the first benefits that were mentioned was the Department’s tutoring services. LaTasha Coleman, a Teacher in the Child Development and Learning Center (CDLC), informed students of the tutorial sessions held in the Research Suite on the second floor of the Eunice Powell Building from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Monday through Friday. She stated that at these sessions they “offer help with journal critiques, reflection papers, APA style writing, research reports etc.”

Students were educated on the importance of email etiquette and how to maneuver the Cengage MINDTAP learning system which they use in the Department. They were also urged to become familiar with and to frequently check in with their advisors for advisement. Interim Chair and Associate Professor in the Department, Dr. Martha Ravola, explained that the university staff is always available to ensure that students are taking the correct courses to stay on the correct path. “Your success is our interest,” Ravola stated as she introduced Rickey Coleman, Director of Advising, as the go-to person for course overrides. This information was received by all students but mostly directed at graduating seniors as it pertains to accounting for all required courses and the exit exam and survey (Feb- March 30).

Ravola also made note of the initiatives and events the Department has planned for the school year. Mentioned at the meeting were the Gimme 4 Challenge, Professional Poise, the HS-ALL Rounder Award, Career and Counsel (scheduled for April 17) and Wellness Wednesday, which highlights the importance of eating healthy and the benefits of water consumption.

Another opportunity mentioned was the Department’s organizations such as Active Minds, Kappa Omicron Nu and American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS). Coleman elaborated, “Active Minds is an organization for students by students. Any students who are interested should be a leader and student advocate to encourage and educate people to speak up about mental health.” She encouraged interested students to attend their weekly meetings on Tuesdays at 12:30 pm as they are currently working on leadership training, eating disorder awareness and multicultural day.

The Kappa Gamma Alpha Chapter of Kappa Omicron Nu, the National Honor Society of the Department of Human Sciences, empowers leaders through scholarship, research and leadership and requires members to have at least a 3.0 GPA.

American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS)’s representative, Ouida Pittman, expressed that this organization is on the rise and seeking new members. “It is very important that you become a member of your professional organization to help with networking and professionalism,” Pittman stated.

Research Aide, Priscilla Houston, expanded on the research opportunities in the Department. Some of those mentioned were Mississippi Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Alcorn Research Symposium and The Association of 1890 Research Directors (ARD).

Along with the vast number of opportunities the Department of Human Sciences here at Alcorn has to offer, a representative from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), encouraged students to apply for internships which are now open.

April Jones, a Sophomore from Heidelberg Mississippi majoring in Child Development stated, “This program was very informative. I learned that they offer tutoring services, various organizations and research opportunities.”

For more information on the Department and their opportunities students can contact Rochelle Whitmore at (601) 877-6252.