First Annual Miss Voluptously Brave Pageant


The 92nd Miss Alcorn State University (ASU), Moriah Batiest, hosted the first ever Miss Voluptuously Brave Pageant in the James L. Bolden Gold Room in the Campus Union on February 20th at 7:00 pm.

Batiest hosted this event giving young women a chance to showcase their talents while emphasizing that all sizes are beautiful. Each contestant had a chance to win the title of Miss Voluptuously Brave. The pageant consisted of five young ladies, Mishaelynn Braswell, Amaria Everson, Majesty Ferguson, Lynn Ashanta and Yasmyn Towers. The opening dance number was choreographed by Morgan Suggs, Taylor Monoson and Batiest.

Miss Sophomore Alexandria Johnson and Freshman Class President Lazavion Berry formally greeted the audience and introduced the judges who were Addie Davis, Candice Fountain, Tracy Cook, and Marcus Ward.

The contestants competed in four sections of the show which consisted of casual wear, business wear, formal wear and talent. Each contestant had a detailed description to go along with their outfit, expressing their sense of style. During the intermission of the pageant, the audience was entertained by the Black Illusion Dance Company and Worship Experience. Hali Jones, a Sophomore from Fort Worth, Texas majoring in Mass Communications stated, “ Miss Alcorn did a wonderful job putting this pageant together.”

Next, was the impromptu question and answer section. Each contestant randomly pulled a question and Miss Alcorn read it. The young ladies each gave a pleasing answer leaving everyone anxious as to who the winner could possibly be. Immediately following the brief intermission from the DJ, the judges made their final decision. After careful deliberation, the winner of the Miss Voluptuously Brave Pageant 2019-2020 was announced as Majesty Ferguson. After receiving her sash and crown, Ferguson proceeded to give meaningful remarks by stating, “I would like to thank my mother. Because of her, I am the woman I am and the woman I am becoming. She instilled confidence in me at such a young age and without her, I would be nothing. Thank you all for coming out to support us and I hope more people participate next year.”

Miss Alcorn officially gave the closing remarks by thanking everyone for coming and supporting her and the contestants. She explained to the audience that she hopes this continues on as a legacy and she wanted everyone to know that they were beautiful. Batiest went on to state, “The pageant turned out better than I expected and the crowd turnout was great. I put a lot of work and preparation into this event and I am unbelievably pleased at the way it turned out.”