HomeLIFESTYLEFour Tips to Stay Healthy in College

Four Tips to Stay Healthy in College

College can stress you out and put a strain on your mental health, so it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle in college can be difficult at times because one doesn’t always have the correct resources but here are four tips that will help you to stay in pristine shape while attending your college/university.


Drinking plenty of water will help your body perform at its best which will make you feel more energized.


Your body needs eight hours of sleep to perform at its peak capacity so it’s important that each night you get a full night’s sleep. Not getting any sleep can cause long-term effects with your health.


Getting daily exercise can help you stay fit and healthy. Walking to class is a perfect and effective way for you to exercise.


Try to make sure to eat a healthy meal daily because you need all of the nutrients that you can get. With all of the stress that college can bring, you don’t want to add not eating to the list.

I hope that these tips will help you to keep your body healthy during your duration in college. Have a good Spring semester.

Tyra Scott
Tyra Scott
Tyra Scott is a Junior Mass Communications from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She will be a contributor for The Campus Chronicle for the 2023-2024 school year.


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