Scott Keys
Honolulu, Hawaii
If I could meet any African American historical figure, it would be Muhammad Ali due to his attitude. During his time period, he was outspoken and I think it would be interesting to hear his various points of view.
Zurick McGill
Computer Science
Taylorsville, Mississippi
I would want to meet Frederick Douglass because of his accomplishments after being a slave. He didn’t let being a slave stop him from becoming a free man then becoming the historical legend that he is. His books became best sellers and were influential to rid the country of slavery.
Johnnie Austin Jr.
Business Administration
Memphis, Tennessee
If I could meet any African American historical figure, I would choose Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I’d choose him because I would ask him questions about his famous “I Have a Dream” speech.
Markeem Griffin
ElectroMechanical Engineering
Aberdeen, Mississippi
I would like to meet Morgan Freeman. He is a respectful and prominent actor and a high quality narrator of society. He even fills the practical and idealistic roles of God (in films) perfectly.
Marquell Morrison
Social Work
Jackson, Mississippi
I would love to meet Rosa Parks. She inspires me in such a way that no one else does. She was the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement and I would thank her for her accomplishments.