Lambda Sigma Nu Organizes Reading Community Service Event


The Lead Listening Society of Lambda Sigma Nu hosted its first community service project with its new Spring inductees in the Child Development Learning Center at Alcorn State University (ASU) on Thursday, April 1st at 10:20 am.

The Lead Listening Society of Lambda Sigma Nu was founded in October 2020 on the campus of ASU. The society stands firm on enhancing the listening leadership skills of its members for lifelong learning and leadership success.

Members of the society interacted and read stories to the children who attend the center. Dr. John Igwebuike, founder of Lambda Sigma Nu and Professor of Legal Environment of Business at ASU, stated, “The age that our children are at right now, 0-5, are their exuberant years where they are able to grasp information like a sponge. The principle way in which they are able to learn is by listening. Their listening skills foster their ability to speak, read and write, and that’s why we are here today as a listening organization to encourage the young people to tap the positive power of listening so that they can improve their learning.”

Spring 2021 inductee Chaz Coleman, a Freshman Business Administration major, said, “It feels amazing. Coming into class and seeing how the kids are being taught is a great feeling because I see that they’re being taught a lot more than what we were while we were growing up.”

“What goes through my mind is that I am able to impact a new generation. This is a generation that if I don’t reach them now, then I’ll probably never get to them, especially being able to teach them about listening, the importance of reading and being attentive. All of these qualities that were inadvertently put into us, I’m able to now do it in a different manner,” said Fall inductee Xavian Lewis, Junior Business Administration major and President of Lambda Sigma Nu.

For more information about Lambda Sigma Nu, contact Dr. Igwebuike at (601) 877-6457 or