NSLS Hosts Society Meeting


The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) hosted its first society meeting on Thursday, January 25, 2018 at the J.D. Boyd Library Auditorium. The purpose of this meeting was to make members aware of future events, leadership opportunities, community service projects, executive board positions and the upcoming induction ceremony for new members. 

Prospective members are required to pay $85 to receive a certificate, T-shirt and the full benefits of NSLS. There is also an option to pay $100 to receive a certificate, T-shirt, and plaque. However, to become a full active member, you must complete the induction meetings that occur during the month of February and March in the Walter Washington Administration Building in Room 11. The induction ceremony is not mandatory for members but will occur on April 9th at 7:00 pm. Students are asked to wear black and white professional attire. Troyrica Gaines, a Sophomore Sports Management major, explained her excitement for the Spring 2018 Semester by stating, “I feel very accomplished about the growth of the society. When I first came in as President, I was really lost because I had to create an E-board which featured 8 successful women. This Spring semester we have so much to achieve, including more fundraisers and community service opportunities, along with movie nights and upcoming available E-board positions.” 

Once students become a member, they can receive assistance to become executive board members such as president, vice-president, secretary, etc. By joining NSLS, students will have the opportunity to gain community service hours, network, receive scholarships and many other benefits. NSLS is planning to have interactive events during the Spring semester such as movie night, basketball concession and membership outreach programs. Flyers will be posted to publicize these events. For more information about NSLS, students can contact Carey Butler at (601) 877-6297 or cbutler@alcorn.edu or they can find him in Lanier Hall in Room #127.