Office of Global Programs Presents Multicultural Festival 2018


On April 11, 2018, the Office of Global Programs presented the 2018 Multicultural Festival: Global Rhythms.  The event was held from 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm in the James L. Bolden Campus Union Ballroom at Alcorn State University’s (ASU) Lorman Campus.  The program was conducted by the Mistress of Ceremonies, Dr. LLJuna Weir, the Director of Educational Equity and Inclusion and the Title IX Coordinator.

The festival kicked off with the welcome done by the Director of Office of Global Programs, Dr. Dovi Alipoe. Following, the greeting and proclamation were done by Dr. John Igwebuike, the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Student Records.  Next, the Importance of Music was done by the Office of Global Programs, with the introduction of performance done by Dr. Weir.

Opening the show performances were the Taikoza Japanese Drum and Dancers.  Next, Nigerian members of the International and Multicultural Students Organization (IMSO) presented a musical performance. A Chinese Umbrella Dance was next on the program and was carried out by student Jie Yuan of the Chinese Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program (FLTA).  Other members of IMSO took to the stage to execute and awe the crowd with their Carribean Dance.  Alcorn faculty, students and staff came together to wow the audience with their diversity in the Cultural Fashion Show.  The show concluded with a poem and Southern and Western African dances done by IMSO members.

Immediately following the performances, the organization provided cultural food delights, international music videos, displays and interactive events that highlight the diversity at Alcorn in the Multipurpose Room.  LaDerek Magee, a Senior at Alcorn State University, stated, “the multicultural event was very amazing to me.  I actually learned about different types of cultures here and some things I didn’t know while some things I did know, so that was a plus for me.”