SGA Hosts Student Town Hall Meeting


On January 24, 2018 at 6:00 pm, the Alcorn Student Government Association (SGA) hosted a Student Town Hall Meeting in the James L. Bolden Campus Union Ballroom to discuss and address any questions, comments and concerns that the students may have.

Included in the panel were SGA President, Patrick Herbert Jr., Miss Alcorn State University, Kristina Brown, Miss Senior, Shamesha Martin, Senior Class President, Joshua Evans, Junior Class President, Robert Tatum, Miss Sophomore, Domonique Varnado, Sophomore Class President, Jacobi Holt, Freshman Class President, Ty’ric James, the 2nd Vice President, Ebony Thomas, the 1st Vice President, Lamar Scott and Miss Freshman, Chelsey Page.

The meeting was brought to order by SGA President Herbert followed by  Brown giving out her Miss Alcorn address.  The SGA President then went on to give the State of the Yard address and explained the rules of the meeting to all of the individuals in attendance.  They were as follows, questions must deal with the specific topics of discussion, unruly individuals will be asked to leave and be honest but respectful at all times.

Topics varied from academics, customer service, administration, dorm and resident life, campus safety, student life, anonymous and announcements.  1st Vice President, Lamar Scott assisted with passing around the microphone and also answering questions.  Multiple issues were addressed such as the lack of reliable Wi-Fi , cafeteria suggestions, issues with computers in the library and many more.  The meeting lasted an hour and a half and closed up with a prayer.  Robert Tatum, a Junior, Biochemistry major and Junior Class President, stated, “even though we did not have the turnout we expected it was still successful and we were able to answer a lot of questions.”