Students vote on Special Referendum of the SGA Constitution


On March 21, 2017, Alcorn students gathered in the Multipurpose Room of the James L. Bolden Student Union to decide on whether to have a student assessment fee applied to tuition. Additionally, students also had the opportunity to vote on the revocation of a section of the Constitution of the Student Government Association (SGA) of Alcorn Student University which lists having prior service as an elected official of the SGA as a requirement to qualify to run for the offices of SGA President and Miss Alcorn State University.

It was voted into the Constitution last year that a requirement to run for Miss Alcorn and SGA President was to have served at least one term as an SGA member prior to running for the two positions. The purpose of this election was to determine whether or not this rule would remain effective or change to allow any Seniors to run.

“I think that it is quite unfair for you to have to serve in the SGA or have won a position in SGA to hold the position because everybody isn’t afforded the opportunity to win and everyone should have the opportunity to run for something,” said Alysha Evans, a Junior Biology/Pre-Med major from Jackson, Mississippi.

The election was brought about when an enrolled student submitted a petition to the University seeking to immediately repeal the section in the Constitution that refers to Article II.

The assessment fee on the other hand, is a small charge that goes specifically for engaging events such as homecoming concerts, school picnics and other events. Alcorn State is the only university in the state of Mississippi that does not have an assessment fee. The amount of the fee will be determined by the students once the votes have been tallied. This was initiated by SGA President Jeremy Martin so that the SGA will receive more funding to be able to sponsor more campus events for the student body.

“I’m excited to see the student body exercising their governmental rights as far as the University and their Constitution is concerned because it gives them insight on how real government works outside of Alcorn,” stated the Director of Student Engagement, Devina Hogan.

Posted below is a list of the final tally of every initiative that was voted upon.



Repeal of Qualifications                                         YES                                      NO

for SGA President                                                     87                                        69

Repeal of Qualifications                                          102                                       54

for Miss Alcorn

Tuition Increase                                                        98                                        57

Tuition Increase Amounts

$15                                                                                                         44

$20                                                                                                        40

$25                                                                                                        34