Office of Global Affairs Hosts Study Abroad Fair


Alcorn State University’s (ASU) Office of Global Affairs hosted their annual Study Abroad Fair on September 22nd from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. This event is usually in-person but due to COVID-19 protocols it was held virtually on Zoom. The Fair is a place where students get the chance to meet with providers and discuss the many study abroad options available. Studying abroad is a great way for students to immerse themselves in different countries while also working towards their degree.

The Fair began with welcome remarks and general information about the program explained by Alcorn’s Dr. Dovi Alipoe, Director of Global Programs. Dr. Alipoe discussed what makes a student eligible for the study abroad program at Alcorn. If a student is interested they must have maintained at least a 2.5 Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) or above and must be in their Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior year (if eligible). He also discussed how students will pay for studying abroad by either using their financial aid to pay for the expenses of the program, such as airfare and living expenses, or they can apply for scholarships. Dr. Alipoe also noted that starting early in the application process is a great way to get more money to fund your travels. He also discussed the Interdisciplinary program which is “designed to add value to the student’s specific major by integrating global competence and knowledge into their disciplinary training.”

The event included 10 service providers and each had many positive benefits that came with their programs. Stephine Cushey from G-MEO, was among the service providers in attendance. She discussed the numerous options for studying at the Chengdu American Center for Studying Abroad in China as well as studying in Taiwan at either Yuan Ze University or Ming Chuan University. This service provider offers part time internship options as well as virtual options with activities. They also have scholarships and awards up to $6,000. This program also offers Summer courses along with Summer internships that offer credit hours. 

SeaMester is another provider that allows you to study abroad at sea. Kimmi Phillips, an Admissions and Enrollment Manager for the company, discussed voyages that occur every Spring and Fall. This program offers professional PADI scuba and IYT maritime certifications. According to Phillips, the company has had no COVID-19 cases reported since its reopening. This program has a rolling admissions application with no deadline. You must submit a $75 application fee, and if you are selected you must put a deposit down to save your spot on board. For their upcoming voyages, the Spring semester will be in Antigua and Grenada and in the Fall they will travel to Bali and South Africa.

Bridget Thompson spoke for API Abroad where she discussed study opportunities in Puerto Rico, England, Italy, and Bhutan. They also have internship opportunities in Argentina, Chile, Scotland and New Zealand. With API you are able to receive Pre-departure Service Volunteer Opportunities and Social and Cultural Activities. Their on-site program offers courses at top international universities in more than 20 countries. You can also enjoy monthly API-sponsored social and cultural activities including outings to movies, concerts, museums, and cultural tours. Along with that, all entrance fees are covered by API. API housing includes dorms, apartments, and host families. Thompson suggested that students stay with host families to fully immerse themselves in the new cultural environment.

It is suggested to students who are Freshman to apply for the IIE American Passport Grant on the Global Page on the Alcorn website. Also, make sure to apply for the Global Certificate Scholarship found on the Global Programs website. If you have more questions about studying abroad you can contact Dr. Alipoe at (601) 877-6533.