As many of us know, it is important to drink water. Drinking water is a way to keep you hydrated and healthy. It has many positive benefits for one’s mental and physical health. However, when it comes to drinking and buying water, there are some things you may want to know before buying your next case of water or drinking out of your kitchen faucet.
If you don’t know by now, each brand of water has what is known as a pH balance. It is important for one to know the pH balance of the water that they are drinking because some water brands are very acidic and contain alkaline, rather than being neutral. A neutral pH balance ranks at a 7. Anything lower than that is considered to be acidic and anything above a 7.5 is too alkaline based. It is important to keep our bodies at a balanced pH because being either too alkaline based or too acidic can be detrimental to your health. The importance of water pH is to keep your body in balance and to regulate metabolic processes. Being too acidic can cause weight gain, slower immunity and diseases. Moreover, being too alkaline based can lead to the inability of allowing our bodies to gain key nutrients. Furthermore, it is important to know and pay attention to the different types of water that you are drinking to prevent health risks and issues. Here are some water brands that are good to purchase due to a neutral/healthy pH balance.
- CORE water is a good brand to purchase, although it has a pH balance of 7.4, it is close to pure water. CORE filters its water to make sure you’re only drinking the nutrients you need, so you’ll never find a trace of fluoride, chromium, arsenic, or chlorine.
- Fiji water ranges from a pH balance of 7-7.7 depending on when the water is bottled. Fiji water provides numerous amounts of minerals, so it may benefit your health, plus, it keeps you hydrated. A major advantage is that it’s significantly lower in contaminants than tap water.
- Evian water has the best pH balance out of most brands. The brand has a pH balance that is a 7.2Â which is the closest to pure water. It has high numbers of minerals and electrolytes.
Hopefully informing and giving suggestions on what kind of water to drink has helped you become aware of the type of water that you should put in your body. Although there was no water brand that was pure or had a perfect 7 pH balance, there are plenty of water brands that have great benefits to help the body and mind.