The Power of Make-Up


We all know what a difference a little face powder and filling in of the eyebrows can do to make a girl feel just a bit more glamourous. Maybe a nice shade of lip stick and a creative eye shadow to finish off the look leaving a girl feeling like a super model.

Make-up is a nationwide trend used to enhance the outer beauty without harming the skin. It has been around for years, even before young ladies could go into stores and tell the clerk that we were looking for NC45 in foundation. It’s kind of bizarre how make-up went from little compressed powders to foundations that contain sunscreen and primer in them. The power of make-up has evolved tremendously over the years. Women desire to feel beautiful and with just a simple stroke of eyeliner or mascara it can make her day go from “it’s going to be a long day” to “it’s going to be an amazing day.” It has been proven that when you look better you feel better too.

Many people believe that women wear make-up because they are insecure and trying to hide it with a mask. No woman should be ashamed of the natural beauty she was born with. However, make-up is a talent and everyone is entitled to do what makes them feel good. The art of perfecting blending tones and filling in eyebrows is a skill that many people today get paid great money for. Most of the superstars that people drool over from time to time have a make-up team following them around to make sure they stay on ‘FLEEK’ all day.

A few months back YouTube blogger Nikkie, of NikkieTutorials channel, started a trend entitled the ‘Power of Make-up’. She started this trend to show ladies that love to wear make-up that it is nothing wrong with it. With the every day shaming and bashing that make-up lovers receive this could have been exactly what they needed. In her video, she made up one side of her face while leaving the other side bare which showed women it’s okay to wear make-up and love yourself without it at the same time.

Below is a link to a Power of Make-up video inspired by Nikkie’s tutorial. Please watch and enjoy.