What legacy do you intend to leave at Alcorn State University?


Necaccia Phifer


Criminal Justice


St. James, Louisiana

The legacy that I intend to leave on Alcorn State’s campus is one that will uplift and motivate. I really appreciate this campus and I think that I can get a lot of things done when I actually get out of my room and interact with the campus. I would like to be remembered not only by my classmates and professors but also by everyone who helps Alcorn State operate.


Tyann McHenry




Milwaukee, Wisconsin

I want to be remembered as someone who didn’t let adversity win. Someone who always had positive vibes and created smiles on other people’s faces. I want my kids to be able to say, “That was my mother,” when they attend Alcorn. I intend to leave a giant footprint. I’m only a Freshman so I’m just getting started.


Casey Larry


Agriculture Business Management


Clarksdale, Mississippi

I plan on leaving a legacy at Alcorn as a spirit leader. I want everyone to know that no matter how hard I partied, I always made time to for my school work. I want my legacy here at ASU to encourage students that going to school is not a waste of time. Trust me it’s not, because the things you learn at school will help you later on in life. So as far as my legacy here at Alcorn is concerned I just want everyone to remember the energy I had everyday no matter what was going on internally.


Kontessa McClendon


Elementary Education


Clinton, Mississippi

The legacy that I would like to leave behind here at Alcorn State would be one of passion for whatever task that I desired to partake in. The passion that I have brings out the passion in others. When you let your passion for something shine, others will feel the desire to let their passions do the same. I want to encourage others to find something that they can be passionate about and work hard to develop that passion into a worthy and beneficial cause for our University.


Kayla Henderson


Political Science


Dallas, Texas

The legacy that I would like to leave behind here at Alcorn State University would be one of leadership. I would like my legacy to inspire the students that come behind me to develop their desires while making genuine efforts to find ways to improve our University.