Zeta Chapter Presents ‘Zeta Week’ 2019


The Finer Women of the Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated  celebrated their annual week of ‘Zeta Week’, which is designed to engage students and other organizations on campus. ‘Zeta Week’ happens every year after the conclusion of Homecoming Week. This year’s theme for the Finer LadieZ was centered around Breast Cancer Awareness and recognizing the signs of Breast Cancer amongst young women and men.

On Monday, October 14th, the LadieZ hosted a Breast Cancer Walk and Balloon release to honor those who had lost their fight against Breast Cancer. Many attended this event to honor their loved ones who had succumbed to the disease. “This is a very important week for me given that I lost my aunt to Breast Cancer. I always strive to honor and keep her memory alive with events such as this,” stated Rheanna Thurman, Vice President of Zeta Chapter.

On Tuesday, October 15th, there was a ‘So Sweet Breast Cancer Tea’ in the dining hall of Honors dorm where there was hot tea and refreshments to warm up the conversation of Breast Cancer amongst women. There, they had Cancer survivor Velma Nichols speak on her experience with dealing with Breast Cancer. In addition to speaking of her personal experience, Nichols showed the young women how to scan for possible signs of Breast Cancer.

On Wednesday, October 16th, there was a ‘Breast Cancer Paint and Sip’ where students and faculty came out to paint their canvases in honor of Breast Cancer. The LadieZ provided “Blue Juice” and a stencil of a Breast Cancer ribbon for participants to create an elaborate portrait to paint Breast Cancer away. “I love this event. I dedicated my portrait to my grandmother who passed away from Breast Cancer a few years ago. I used some of her favorite colors in my portrait and this is something that I will cherish for years to come,” stated Je’Vya Durr, a participant at the ‘Paint and Sip’.

On Thursday, October 17th, there was a talent show in the James L. Bolden Campus Union Ballroom where students came out and showcased some of their various talents which included singing, dancing, and reciting poetry.

On Friday, October 18th, Zeta Week concluded with a ‘Finer Friday Movie Night’. The Finer LadieZ showed the movie Friday the 13th to “scare away” Breast Cancer. They sold popcorn and other concessions to the crowd that came out in support of ‘Zeta Week’.