ASU Celebrates the 2019 SWAC Championship with Parade


On January 19th Alcorn alumni, students and fans lined Washington Street in downtown Vicksburg, Mississippi to celebrate the Alcorn State University (ASU) Football team’s accomplishment of becoming the 2019 Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) Champions at the 2019 SWAC Championship Parade.

The parade began promptly at 4:00 pm with Vicksburg’s first responders leading the crowd with flashing lights. Following them were students from Alcorn’s surrounding high schools, Vicksburg’s own Greek organizations, various local clubs and ASU faculty and staff. After the various organizations marched by the crowds braced themselves for the arrival of the guests of the hour.

Alcorn’s Golden Girls led the Sounds of Dyn-O-Mite Marching Band down the brick paved street and were followed by the ASU Brave Cheerleaders who chanted, cheered and preceded the coming of the ASU Football team.

As the Braves were paraded through the streets the multitude cheered, waved and made as much noise as they could to show their joy and support for the team.

Directly after the parade ended everyone followed the Champions to Washington Park to witness a presentation given to the team by Mayor of Vicksburg, George Flaggs, Jr. He spoke of how the team played their best in the past football season and showed the crowd how proud the city of Vicksburg was for the team with a plaque presented to Head Football Coach, Fred McNair.

Afterwards, the group dispersed but only after giving the Football team their personal words of encouragement and praise for both the upcoming and past football season.