Class of 2022 Elects Freshman Class President and Miss Freshman


Six hundred and seventy-three Freshman eagerly moved on the campus of Alcorn State University (ASU) on Thursday, August 16, 2018. After having a successful move in, Freshman were able to create new friendships, enjoy campus life, and engage in campus activities during Move in Weekend. Freshman were also assigned the task of finding two representatives for their class which consisted of Miss Freshman and the Freshman Class President.

After campaigning was concluded, the Class of 2022 elected Lazavion Berry, a Business Administration major from Jackson, Mississippi as Freshman Class President and Rakiya Montgomery, a Nursing major from Jackson, Mississippi as Miss Freshman. Both Berry and Montgomery look forward to moving the Institution to a higher legacy and maintaining the respect and class that has already been established.

In order to keep students involved, Berry stated, “I plan to reach the students at ASU by holding monthly engagements with ideas from the Student Government Association’s (SGA) staff and the Freshman class.” Montgomery plans to use hands-on programs to keep students involved. She stated, “I plan on reaching the students at Alcorn by being hands-on with them and allowing them to use me as an outlet for their ideas. I stand firm on engagement, leadership, and service.”

Berry and Montgomery plan to use every resource available to them to serve and motivate the students of Alcorn and leave a lasting impression during their reign. Montgomery stated, “My overall goal is to motivate other young adults to take the leap of faith and turn their dreams into a reality.”

Berry and Montgomery also plan to promote high scholastics by maintaining a grade point average (gpa) of 3.5 or higher and join various organizations and programs.